Choria Server 0.16.0

We had a release quite recently but I wanted to release a number of Scout related features to early adopters, these releases are mainly focussed on Scout but includes a few bug fixes and new builds for Ubuntu Focal (20.04 LTS).

The big item here is that we have integrated Goss into the Scout framework and it can now run validations regularly. See the Scout Goss blog post for details.

You’ll also notice a new agent - scout - on your nodes, this gives API access to interact with Scout checks on Choria servers.

Additionally, we are starting to work on our documentation for Scout, an initial cut of this is also published today, this shows our Puppet integration, Prometheus integration and a bit about the events.

Thanks to Romain Tartière for contributions to these releases.

Read on for the full details.

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July 2020 Releases

We have a number of releases to announce today, the focus is general quality of life improvements in addition to the features to support out larger Choria Server release that included our announcement of Choria Scout.

With these releases you can create Scout checks on your machines using:

    plugin            => "/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_procs",
    arguments         => '-C typhon -c {{ o "warn" 1 }}:{{ o "crit" 1 }}',
    remediate_command => "service typhon restart",

In addition to this we have fixed mco puppet runall when using Choria Server, I know quite a few people have wanted to see the return of this utility.

Thanks to Romain Tartière for contributions to these releases.

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Scout Components

Yesterday I introduced a new Choria component called Scout which helps you build scalable monitoring pipelines. Today, we’ll look a bit at what makes a Scout install and how it is built.

In a follow up post I’ll dive a bit into Autonomous Agents - an infrequently used but very powerful building block found in Choria.

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Introducing Choria Scout


We’re happy to announce a new project called Choria Scout - a highly scalable system health monitoring framework and monitoring data pipeline released under the Apache 2.0 license.

Initially we support the ability to execute Nagios compatible plugins on Choria managed nodes with results sent centrally in a standard CloudEvents format, and optionally, integrated into Prometheus.

These are framework level building blocks that will in time be used to create a full monitoring stack built on Choria technologies. Checks and value overrides can already be configured using our Puppet modules. You can also use these building blocks to build entirely custom solutions for your own needs.

Scout will be a cloud native project with central components capable of being hosted on Kubernetes and using data formats supported by commercial clouds and projects like KNative. It will have a focus on integration, open data exchange and extensibility.

Despite being cloud native we will of course support monitoring anything where Choria, or the upcoming Scout agent, can run which includes traditional baremetal, VMs, containers and pods and small devices.

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Choria Server 0.15.0

We have quite a significant release of the Choria Server today that lays ground work for an upcoming Choria monitoring pipeline.

Read the full post for the details.

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April 2020 Releases

It’s been quite some time since we’ve had releases and there’s been a huge list of small improvements.

Thanks to those who contributed to these releases: David Gardner, Mark Frost, Romain Tartière, Yury Bushmelev, @rjd1, Tim Meusel, Alexander Hermes, Vincent Janelle

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December 2019 Releases

It’s been a while since we had release announcements and it’s been a surprisingly busy period.

The main focus here has been on a number of stability and bug fixes, we’ve had some users dig in really deep into various aspects of the system and a number of bugs were squashed.

Past the quality of life stuff I have started reworking Choria Server Provisioning which will set us on a path to having a good Puppet free story, I have some POCs lying around of a Kubernetes based Broker, CA, and Provisioner that will give a really smooth path forward - provisioning is now compiled in to the FOSS stack by default and can be enabled using a JWT token, more on that in a future post.

We also include a Tech Preview of NATS JetStream support and significantly moved our event formats over to Cloud Events v1.0 format.

Thanks especially go to Alexander Hermes for his deep dive into all aspects of the client side playbooks. Deep dives into a product and filing some tickets, discussing the model on slack etc it hugely time consuming and very often this kind of community contribution flies under the radar but I find it more valuable than code, huge props to Alexander.

Other shout outs to Ben Robert, Yury Bushmelev, Romain Tartière and Vincent Janelle

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September 2019 Bug Fix

Today I have a small few bug fixes to ship, these will affect only people who are experimenting or using our newly announced External Agents support, others can safely ignore this.

Thanks to Ben Roberts for his assistance with these releases

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September 2019 Releases

Today we are doing a series of long overdue Puppet Module releases as well as a reasonably significant Choria Server update.

Significantly this delivers the new External Agents I blogged about recently.

Read on for all the details!

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Choria Server and Broker 0.12.0

The next releases will start coming in over the next week or three, we’re getting going with quite a major release for the Choria Server and Broker and a few related packages, I’ll introduce some of the changes here today.

Choria Release 0.12.0 is available today, you can get it by updating your Hiera data choria::version.

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