
This sections covers how you might monitor your Choria Server, Choria Broker and data held in Choria Streams.

Choria Server

By default, Choria writes /var/log/choria-status.json when configured using Puppet, you can adjust this though:

Setting Description
plugin.choria.status_file_path When set activates writing status data in JSON format to this file
plugin.choria.status_update_interval The interval, in seconds, that the file will be written

We provide a NAGIOS format health check that can interrogate this file:

$ choria tool status --help
usage: choria tool status --status-file=STATUS-FILE [<flags>]

Checks the health of a running Choria instance based on its status file

  --help                     Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
  --version                  Show application version.
  --debug                    Enable debug logging
  --config=FILE              Config file to use
  --status-file=STATUS-FILE  The status file to check
  --disconnected             Checks if the server is connected to a broker
  --message-since=1h         Maximum time to allow no messages to pass (0 disables)
  --max-age=30m              Maximum age for the status file (0 disables)
  --certificate-age=24h      Check if the certificate expires sooner than this duration (0 disabled
  --token-age=24h            Check if the token expires sooner than this duration (0 disabled)
  --unprovisioned            Checks that the server is in provisioning mode
  --provisioned              Checks that the server is not being provisioned

Using this with your favorite monitoring tool you can monitor the health of the Choria Server, its certificates, JWT tokens and more.

Choria Broker

Choria Broker is a single process that manages the communications between Clients and Servers. It’s long-running and can be clustered.

HTTP Based Monitoring

To enable HTTP based monitoring - required for curl, health checks, Prometheus metrics and more - configure these settings:

Setting Description
plugin.choria.stats_port The HTTP port to listen on for HTTP requests
plugin.choria.stats_address A host address to listen on, defaults to Enables go pprof debugging and profiling on this port

Enabling the stats_port will enable the full NATS Monitoring Capability, accessible using curl or other HTTP client.


Choria embeds a Prometheus Exporter into its Broker and add a number of Choria specific statistics, with the plugin.choria.stats_port enabled this is accessible on /choria/prometheus.

We have some published dashboards on the Grafana website.

Cluster Based Monitoring

The Choria CLI has a number of monitoring tools that operate over the NATS protocol. There’s some setup needed.

On your Choria Broker you have to configure a System User and Password: = system = s3cret

The Client configuration where you will monitor from will also need these settings.

Basic Broker and Cluster information

A number of tools will list and view details about the Brokers, here are some examples:

$ choria broker server list
│                                                                  Server Overview                                                                   │
│ Name            │ Cluster    │ IP                   │ Version    │ JS  │ Conns │ Subs  │ Routes │ GWs │ Mem     │ CPU │ Slow │ Uptime       │ RTT  │
│ broker-broker-0 │ CHORIA     │   │ 2.7.5-beta │ yes │ 22    │ 920   │ 2      │ 0   │ 234 MiB │ 2.0 │ 0    │ 11d20h56m46s │ 57ms │
│ broker-broker-2 │ CHORIA     │   │ 2.7.5-beta │ yes │ 30    │ 901   │ 2      │ 0   │ 238 MiB │ 1.0 │ 0    │ 11d20h58m25s │ 57ms │
│ broker-broker-1 │ CHORIA     │   │ 2.7.5-beta │ yes │ 48    │ 848   │ 2      │ 0   │ 258 MiB │ 2.0 │ 0    │ 20d2h34m52s  │ 57ms │
│                 │ 1 Clusters │ 3 Servers            │            │ 3   │ 100   │ 2,669 │        │     │ 729 MiB │     │ 0    │              │      │

│                              Cluster Overview                              │
│ Cluster │ Node Count │ Outgoing Gateways │ Incoming Gateways │ Connections │
│ CHORIA  │ 3          │ 0                 │ 0                 │ 100         │
│         │ 3          │ 0                 │ 0                 │ 100         │

Other commands to try:

  • choria broker server info broker-broker-1 shows general information about a running server
  • choria broker server report connections lists and summarize connections
  • choria broker server request connz equivalent to requesting /varz over HTTP, but for the whole cluster or named server, see other request sub commands also
  • choria broker serer report jetstream overview report of JetStream / Choria Streams usage

Broker Health Checks

We have a number of NAGIOS protocol health checks to verify your cluster is functional.


Basic connectivity can be checked, this checks any of the configured middleware servers you might want to create a configuration file listing each of your brokers and passing that with ---choria-config:

$ choria broker server check connection
OK Connection OK:connected to nats:// in 2.438923ms OK:rtt time 61.979889ms OK:round trip took 0.061221s | connect_time=0.0024s;0.5000;1.0000 rtt=0.0620s;0.5000;1.0000 request_time=0.0612s;0.5000;1.0000
Broker Health

Server CPU, Memory, Connections, Subscriptions etc can be monitored, the --name argument is required, so check all your Brokers individually. Connection is to any server in your middleware list.

$ choria broker server check server --name broker-broker-1
OK broker-broker-1 | uptime=1737852.4866s cpu=1% mem=273547264 connections=48 subscriptions=848
Choria Streams Cluster

When running Choria Streams there is a cluster-wide RAFT group that manages the overall placement and health of the system. We monitor this here for size and readyness.

$ choria broker server check meta --expect 3 --seen-critical 1m --lag-critical 1000
OK JetStream Meta Cluster OK:3 peers led by | peers=3;3;3 peer_offline=0 peer_not_current=0 peer_inactive=0 peer_lagged=0
Choria Streams

Specific Streams can be monitored for various dimensions like numbers of messages, cluster size, last message age and more. Here’s an example but see –help for details.

$ choria broker server check stream --stream CHORIA_REGISTRATION --peer-expect 3 --msgs-warn 100
OK CHORIA_REGISTRATION OK:3 current replicas | peers=3;3;3 peer_offline=0 peer_not_current=0 peer_inactive=0 peer_lagged=0 messages=8350;100
Choria Key-Value Buckets

We can check that a bucket exists and has a specific value:

$ choria broker server check kv --bucket CHORIA_AJ_ELECTIONS --key task_scheduler
OK CHORIA_AJ_ELECTIONS OK:bucket CHORIA_AJ_ELECTIONS OK:key task_scheduler found | values=1 bytes=185B replicas=3