Plugin Interface
All Choria plugins have to implement the same basic plugin.Pluggable interface that looks like this (godoc):
// Pluggable is a Choria Plugin
type Pluggable interface {
// PluginInstance is any structure that implements the plugin, should be right type for the kind of plugin
PluginInstance() interface{}
// PluginName is a human friendly name for the plugin
PluginName() string
// PluginType is the type of the plugin, to match plugin.Type
PluginType() Type
// PluginVersion is the version of the plugin
PluginVersion() string
And you need a function in your package that produces an instance of the above interface:
func ChoriaPlugin() plugin.Pluggable
Thus when you add your plugin to the plugin system like below in packager/user_plugins.yaml
The system will call your myplugin.ChoriaPlugin() that should produce a plugin.Pluggable. An example of this can be found in the Golang MCO RPC compatibility layer.