
Tasks are the main place you put things you want to happen. Tasks are run using choria::task and would make up the main body of your Playbooks.

Common Task options

There are some items that can be applied to any type of task:

Option Description Sample
tries On failure, try this many times tries => 10
try_sleep Sleep this long between tries try_sleep => 60
pre_sleep Sleep this long before running a task for the first try pre_sleep => 60
fail_ok A failure will be logged but not fail the playbook fail_ok => true

MCollective task

$result = choria::task("mcollective",
  "nodes" => $nodes,
  "action" => "puppet.disable",
  "batch_size" => 10,
  "silent" => true,
  "post" => ["summarize"],
  "properties" => {
    "message" => "Disabled by playbooks"
Option Description
nodes A node set to use, can be a template as here or just a hard coded array of nodes
action A agent and action specified as one
batch_size Optional setting to address the node set in smaller groups
batch_sleep_time Optional setting that relates to batch_size and sets the sleep time between batches
silent By default each result is logged, this disables that
post Logs aggregate summaries if summarize - the only current valid entry - is given
properties Any properties the action needs to function
assert Any JGrep query that will be run over the RPC reply data

Asserting result state

The typical use case for asserting reply state is where you want to wait for a set of nodes to match a specific complex state. You’d achieve this using fine grained assertions on the result data than the true/false that is typically used to determine success.

To use the assert feature you should have the jgrep gem installed in your Puppet Ruby on the node where you will run mco playbook. You can use Hiera to do this:

  "jgrep": "1.5.0"

Some use cases:

  • Wait for all enabled Puppet nodes to stop runs before you make manual changes using other tasks
  • Dig into the result hashes and do complex boolean matches against the data such as asserting certain package version numbers from package.status


This will wait for all enabled Puppet nodes to go into idling state for a period of time based on tries and try_sleep:

  "nodes" => $nodes,
  "action" => "puppet.status",
  "assert" => "idling=true and enabled=true",
  "pre_sleep" => 0,
  "tries" => 10,
  "try_sleep" => 30

An assertion like summary.resources.failed_to_restart=0 against the puppet.last_run_summary action will dig deep into the result hash checking if any services failed.

You can create even more complex assertions like applying=false and enabled=true and daemon_present=true should you want to do complex matches.

Full details about the JGrep assertion language can be found on its site jgrep.org.

On the CLI you can test these queries:

$ mco rpc puppet status -j | jgrep data.idling=true -s sender

This will show you the node names that match the above idling example. Note you have to prefix the matching with data as per the JSON returned by mco rpc -j.

Shell task

  "command" => "/home/rip/test.sh",
  "cwd" => "/tmp",
  "nodes" => $nodes,
  "environment" => {
    "HELLO" => "WORLD"

If you pass any inputs into your script arguments be sure to validate the input is safe for passing into a shell. You can do this using the Choria::ShellSafe data type.

Option Description
command The command to run, can be a full command with options specified and all
cwd The directory will be the working directory for the command when run
nodes A list of nodes, passed as –nodes node1,node2 to your script
environment A hash of any environment variables you wish to set

Webhook task

This allows arbitrary webhooks to be constructed and called via either GET or POST.

For a GET method the data gets URL encoded as request parts, for POST the data gets JSON encoded and sent.

  "uri" => "https://hooks.example.net/webhook",
  "method" => "POST",
  "headers" => {
    "X-Token" => $token
  "data" => {
    "message" => "Deployed Acme release ${version}",
    "nodes" => $nodes

The request will include a header X-Choria-Request-ID with a unique UUID for every request.

Option Description
uri The address to send the request to, supports http or https
method Either GET or POST
headers Hash of headers to send. It will send a User Agent and Content Type on it’s own but you can override those too here
data Hash of data to send either as request arguments for GET or JSON encoded data for POST

Graphite Event Task

Sends a Graphite Event to any Graphite server. This is just a convenience wrapper around the webhook task.

  "what" => "playbook event",
  "data" => "app weather: ${release} cluster: ${cluster}",
  "graphite" => "https://graphite.example.net/events/",
  "tags" => ["weather", "deploy"]
Option Description
what Short description of the event
data Details about the event
graphite Url to the event endpoint
tags Array of Strings that makes up tags about the event
headers Hash of headers to send, same as for the webhook task

Slack task

Sends a message to a Slack channel, tested using the basic bot user account style bot.

  "token" => "xoxb-YOUR-TOKEN",
  "channel" => "#general",
  "text" => sprintf("Playbook %s completed", $facts["choria"]["playbook"])

The above will produce a slack notification like the one below.

Slack Sample

This posts a message to Slack with your text using the chat.postMessage API, above is all the possible options.

Option Description
token Your API token for the bot user
channel The channel to send to
text Markdown encoded text to send in the attachment
color Color to use, web colors like #aabbccdd or one of good, warning or danger
username The user to appear as on the slack channel